Before deciding whether to choose a lawyer and bring up a lawsuit against a person or organization, it’s important to determine whether the benefits would outweigh the costs. This is especially true if you’re thinking about hiring a personal injury lawyer. In the perfect scenario, this professional would help you get some handsome compensation, but you need to consider your costs as well.
Compensation for Damages
Depending on the severity of your accident or mishap, you could spend a lot of money treating the injuries and recovering from them. For example, you may spend thousands or tens of thousands on medical care. You may lose pay at work for the time you miss. You may experience significant loss to your property as a result of an accident. You may even suffer emotional pain or distress. Your attorney will help decide how much compensation you’re entitled to in these areas.
Punitive Damages
This is an area where people often seek significant amounts of money. When the other party has shown willful carelessness or negligence with the intent to harm, you can seek punitive damages on top of others. Your personal injury lawyer will often seek these damages as a way to punish the offender in the hopes he or she will avoid this behavior in the future. In many places, there is a cap of how much money you can seek with these damages.
How Much Will You Get?
Just because you sue for these damages, it doesn’t automatically mean you’ll get what you’re asking for. The court will take into consideration your role in the incident and to what extent you were at fault as well. You must make an effort to minimize the costs yourself by going to the doctor, for instance.
Your personal injury attorney will do his or her part to make sure you’re treated fairly. Depending on the severity of your injuries and the circumstances of the accident, it may be worth your effort to hire legal counsel.