When you jump on a motorcycle, you have a tremendous responsibility to drive safely and to obey all traffic laws. Unfortunately, you can’t control road conditions or how other motorists will conduct themselves. This is why motorcycle accidents happen all too often. When these occur, the results can be disastrous. A motorcycle accident injury can affect any part of the body, but some areas are more prone than others.
Head Injuries
No one should ever get on a motorcycle unless he or she wears a helmet. In many places, it’s the law. Still, people neglect this wise and lawful practice. Head injuries can range from concussions to fractured or crushed skulls. Brain injuries are common for riders who don’t wear helmets. Sadly, these often lead to death or permanent paralysis. In the most serious accidents, head injuries can come even to people who wear helmets.
Back Injuries
If you collide on your motorcycle with a car or even another motorcycle, the impact can easily throw you off your bike with great force and velocity. It’s common in these cases for a hard fall on the pavement or against another object to injure the riders back. This motorcycle accident injury could fracture vertebrae or cause other significant spinal damage.
Bone Breaks
Even protective equipment might not prevent you from suffering a broken bone in your leg or arm if you’re in a motorcycle crash. Other common breaks include collarbones and ribs.
It’s important to wear long, thick clothing when you ride your motorcycle. This can help reduce the risk of severe, deep cuts. Motorcyclists often suffer lacerations on their hands, face, or legs when a crash throws them off their bikes to the ground.
A motorcycle accident injury can range from a minor scrape to the most devastating imaginable, resulting in death. It’s important to take precautions and drive safely.